■ Lights out time / 消灯時間
・Lights out time is 23:00. Please refrain from talking or calling after lights out.
*Lights out time may vary if there are guests departing early the next day.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping your travels safe.
■ Wi-Fi & EPS / Wi-Fi & 電源
・Free Wi-Fi and EPS is available. Please use it freely.
■ Amenities / アメニティ
・Various amenities are available. Please let the staff know.(See attachment)
■ Checkout time / チェックアウト時間
・Checkout time is 10:00.
【Important / 重要事項】
■ Smoking is prohibited inside the building. Please use the outdoor smoking area.
■ 館内禁煙です。喫煙は屋外の喫煙スペースをご利用ください。
■ Please manage your valuables etc yourself. Please use the valuables rocker at your own risk.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen items of valuables, so please understand.
■ 貴重品等はご自身で管理してください。貴重品ロッカーのご使用は自己責任でお願いします。
■ We will report any violation of the law to the police, such as stay overnight without permission,
intentional damage or theft of property, or entering prohibited areas.
■ 無断宿泊及び故意の器物破損・盗難、禁止区域への立ち入り等、法律違反行為は警察に通報します。
■ Actual costs will be charged for any stains, damage, or loss of equipment or supplies
inside or outside the facility.
■ 館内外の諸設備、備品の汚損、破損、紛失については、実費を申し受けます。
※ STAY JAPANカスタマーサポートに問い合わせたい場合にはこちらよりお問い合わせください。