The Kario house was just fabulous. Easily accessible from the Keikyū Kamata station or the kamata station.There are various kinds of restaurants along the way from the Kamata station to the house. The Kario house was really fashionable and stylish, and the amenities were well prepared. I really recommend to people who would like to stay in Tokyo or Yokohama and people who want to stay at great sense of flat.
房子很新,比照片上看起来还漂亮百倍:D 看得出房主装修很是用心,墙壁和装饰都恰到好处。 熨斗,衣架,沐浴洗发露等用品也俱全,入住感受仿佛是在高级别墅,虽然只是五层的小洋房,上下楼都有电梯特别方便。 附近有两个大车站,离Keikyū Kamata只要4、5分钟。 车站旁边有个寺庙,正逢樱花盛开的季节,粉色的樱花铺满寺院庭前,每天早上出门都忍不住驻足几分钟。入住当晚在附近找到一家安徽人开的刀削面馆,店主人很好,东西也好吃。在东京出差的这一周真是从未有过的愉快体验。