Kumano Kodo Nagano Guesthouse which is surrounded by plum and mandarin orange trees in the mountain.
和歌山県田辺市にある熊野古道潮見峠。長尾坂を上がった先に長野ゲストハウスはあります。うめとみかんの樹に囲まれたのどかな風景。是非お越しになってご自身で感じてみて下さい 。
Kumano Kodo Nagano Guesthouse is located at the Nagano village near the Shiomi -Toge on the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi route which is the pilgrimage sacred site over 1,000 years in Southern Wakayama. The guesthouse is surrounded by Plum & Mandarin Orange Trees which are the local popular products over several decades. Please come and stay this nice and relax place which you might never experienced before.
静かにしてほしい時間帯: 22:00~07:00。
※ STAY JAPANカスタマーサポートに問い合わせたい場合にはこちらよりお問い合わせください。